Barcelona - Fluenz Immersion Mar 03-09 2024 | Double Occupancy - Balance (100% of Program Fee)

Barcelona - Fluenz Immersion Mar 03-09 2024 | Double Occupancy - Balance (100% of Program Fee)

Regular price $13,933.00 Sale


Fees are due 90 days before the start of the program. All payments are fully refundable until 90 days before the start of sessions, otherwise our cancellation fees are as follows: 50% of total paid fees will be refunded if cancelled 60-89 days prior to the program's start date, 25% of the total paid fees will be refunded if cancelled 30-59 days prior to the program's start date. Unfortunately, there can be no refund if cancelled 29 days or less from the program's start date.
All programs officially begin on Sunday. We strongly recommend purchasing Cancel for Any Reason Travel Insurance to cover any eventualities.
Exceptions to our cancellation policy cannot be made for any reason, including weather, terrorism, epidemics, civil unrest or personal emergencies. There is no refund for arriving late or leaving a trip early. All charges related to the program are considered to be its total cost and are subject to cancellation fees.